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John "Zehn" Baskerville, PMP

Founder - Bnevol, LLC
The Image Alt Text
Zehn is an award-winning Product Developer and Certified PMP, and the Founder of Bnevol, a Black-Owned Digital Agency amplifying impact for mission-focused organizations across the do-good sector with web, marketing, strategy, and tailored digital solutions. Zehn also holds a Nonprofit Management Essentials certification from Northwestern Kellogg and the Allstate Foundation.

Black Vegans (Part 8/9): The Avengers Of The Animal Liberation Movement

Black Vegans (Part 8/9): The Avengers Of The Animal Liberation Movement

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Guardians Of The Planet

This is (Part 8) of the publication "Black Vegans' Vision Of Total Liberation Poised To Shape Our Future."

In the vast tapestry of history, Black individuals have repeatedly emerged as trailblazers, consistently confronting and challenging oppressive systems. From the shackles of slavery to the brutalities of colonization and systemic racism to economic marginalization, the Black community has shown remarkable resilience, determination, and strength. This history, replete with tales of perseverance, forms the foundation of Black vegans' unique position within the vegan movement.

Now, let's entertain a playful analogy for a moment. If we were to think of the Marvel Universe, where the Avengers stand as the vanguard against the formidable forces of evil, Black vegans could very well be the superheroes poised to confront one of our world's most pervasive villains: unchecked capitalism and its oppressive manifestations.

1. Heart of a Leader: The Black Panther leads with an unwavering moral compass. Similarly, Black vegans, fortified by their history of challenging systemic oppressions, can guide the vegan movement with wisdom, offering insights that only those who've grappled with multi-layered forms of discrimination can provide.

2. Unyielding Strength: Just as Thor wields his mighty Mjölnir, Black vegans carry the legacy of generations who have fought oppression. This heritage endows them with an unyielding strength, a tenacity to challenge the capitalist systems that exploit marginalized human communities and drive the massive industrial machine that commodifies and oppresses animals.

3. Empathetic Vision: With sight that is more penetrating than Hawkeye's sharp gaze, Black vegans can discern the parallels between human and animal oppression. This clarity enables them to illuminate the intersections where systemic injustices meet, making them invaluable advocates in the fight for animal liberation.

4. Mastery Over Adversity: Like Black Widow's unparalleled agility in the face of danger, Black vegans nimbly navigate a world where their choices often face scrutiny, armed with the knowledge of their intersectional history and its resonance with the principles of veganism.

5. Guardians of the Planet: Black vegans aren't just fighting for today. Like the Guardians of the Galaxy, they're visionaries, safeguarding the future for generations to come. They recognize that the unchecked forces of capitalism, if allowed to persist, threaten marginalized communities, animals, and the planet we call home.

Black vegans bring a deep-rooted understanding of oppression, making them a formidable force within the vegan movement. With their unique superpowers, they're poised to confront the evils of capitalism and bring about a more just, compassionate, and equitable world for all, whether human or animal. In the ongoing battle for animal liberation, the vegan movement doesn't just need allies—it needs superheroes. And Black vegans? Well, they are yet another layer within the broader black community that's accustomed to saving the day - for everyone.   



Avengers Of The Animal Liberation Movement

Nikki Ford - Animal Rights Is Not a 'White Thing'

The Unbound Project - Dr. A. Breeze Harper

Today, we're in a transformative phase. The groundwork laid by these pioneers, combined with the socio-cultural evolution, has ushered in a new era of activists. The new work is not a mere continuation but a progression. Modern Black activists, armed with the teachings and sacrifices of the preceding generation, are venturing further, picking up the charge for animal liberation. The progression of the journey is not about receiving a passed torch but lifting it anew with renewed vigor, focus, and intent.

Vegan America: A Conversation with Syl Ko

Racism as Zoological Witchcraft: Aph Ko on Multidimensional Liberation

When Angela Davis heralds food sovereignty and animal liberation as the next revolutionary frontier, her proclamation isn't a mere afterthought; it's an acknowledgment that the landscape of justice and liberation is ever-expanding. The movement for animal liberation, which scarcely existed during the civil rights era, is now taking shape and momentum, primarily due to activists, including many from the Black community, who see the interconnectedness of all life.

An Intersectional Approach To Animal and Human Rights | Soul Eubanks

"As long as we are continuing to contribute to the normalization of exploiting others, it's always going to have an impact on our overall society. Because when we make way for some discrimination - it makes way for much more discrimination." - Soul Eubanks

3 ways going vegan helped my anti-racism advocacy | Christopher Sebastian | TEDxTUWien

In this new era, Black vegans and activists aren't simply amplifying existing calls for justice; they're resonating a newer, broader, and more inclusive anthem for liberation. They are lifting the torch higher, fusing the dreams of past civil rights champions with their contemporary aspirations, striving for a world where every life, human or nonhuman, is treated with compassion and equity.

A then 11-year-old black activist, Aiyana Goodfellow, tells an audience, "Today, millions of animals will die in the name of human greed. Every single one fights for their life. Every single one doesn't want to die..." She implores, "You know it is your duty to be their voice and stand up for their lives as you would hope others would fight for you."

Aiyana Goodfellow


Genesis Butler


Eloísa Trinidad


Yvette Baker 


Stewart Mitchell

Continue Reading The Full Publication:  "Black Vegans' Vision Of Total Liberation Poised To Shape Our Future."

This is (Part 8) of the above series - All posts in the series can be read here: Black Vegan Blog Series

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John "Zehn" Baskerville, PMP

Founder - Bnevol, LLC
The Image Alt Text
Zehn is an award-winning Product Developer and Certified PMP, and the Founder of Bnevol, a Black-Owned Digital Agency amplifying impact for mission-focused organizations across the do-good sector with web, marketing, strategy, and tailored digital solutions. Zehn also holds a Nonprofit Management Essentials certification from Northwestern Kellogg and the Allstate Foundation.

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Black Vegans (Part 9/9): On Total Liberation Vs. Tiered Liberation

Black Vegans (Part 7/9): Today's Black Vegan Activists Lifting the Torch of Civil Rights Activism and Animal Liberation

Black Vegans (Part 6/9): The Triad Of Deceit: How Oppressive Systems Operate By Hiding, Lying, And Desensitizing

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