African Refugee Students
Partnering with AReL in Reshaping Education Through Innovation
Programs that are groundbreaking, innovative, and sustainable, that present unique and regenerative solutions to real challenges facing aspiring refugees.

Refugee Students

African Refugee Students

"Internship In Action” Program
Live Sessions In Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya
The Internship in Action program, co-developed by Bnevol and AReL, is a truly rare year-round initiative where African refugee students gain hands-on experience in real-world Web Design and Web Development projects.


Web Design & Development
Coaching and Mentorship
HTML | CSS | PHP | MySQL | Generative AI

"Internship In Action” Program
Live Sessions In Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya


Web Design & Development
Coaching and Mentorship
HTML | CSS | PHP | MySQL | Generative AI

Open Class Session #57 (Preview)
Open Class Session #56 (Preview)
Open Class Session #54 (Preview)
Open Class Session #56 (Preview)
Open Class Session #55 (Preview)
Open Class Session #54 (Preview)
200,000+ Refugees

Refugee Population Origins in Kakuma Camp, Kenya
Illustrating the diverse nationalities of over 200,000 refugees, with South Sudan, Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo, and neighboring nations leading in representation.
- South Sudan (60%): ~120,000 people
- Somalia (20%): ~40,000 people
- DRC/Congo & Burundi combined (15%): ~30,000 people
- Other Countries (5%): ~10,000 people
Impact - #Skilled Students
23' Semester 1 Students
23' Semester 2 Students
24' Semester 1 Students
24' Semester 2 Students
200,000+ Refugees

Refugee Population Origins in Kakuma Camp, Kenya
Illustrating the diverse nationalities of over 200,000 refugees, with South Sudan, Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo, and neighboring nations leading in representation.
- South Sudan (60%): ~120,000 people
- Somalia (20%): ~40,000 people
- DRC/Congo & Burundi combined (15%): ~30,000 people
- Other Countries (5%): ~10,000 people
Real-World Projects, Real Impact
Meet the "Champions of Change"
Bnevol and AReL collaborate with some of the world’s most visionary thought leaders and trailblazers, driving solutions to the defining challenges of our time. Learn about the projects we partner on as part of the “Internship In Action” program.
Universal Write Publications
Ayo Sekai, Ph.D
Founder, CEO
UWP Books is determined to reimagine, raise the bar, and pivot the cultural paradigm on its axis to shift the narrative from Black people being the subject to Black scholars being the authoritative voice and instrument of peoples, cultures, and the social construction of race.
Refining the brand identity and the relaunch of the website was led by Bnevol and executed in collaboration with Interns from AReL
Project Status: Shipped
Nadait Gebremedhen, MD
Founder, CEO
Hagush is a global nonprofit bridging the digital divide to empower underserved communities. Through cost-effective solutions like the “Pay Later” program, Hagush advances Sustainable Development (Goal 9), ensuring technology benefits everyone.
The relaunch of the website is being led by Bnevol and executed in collaboration with Interns from AReL

Project In Development
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Sistah Vegan Project
Dr. Amie Breeze Harper
Founder, CEO
The Sistah Vegan Project explores the intersection of veganism, race, gender, and feminism. Building on her anthology, Sistah Vegan: Black Women Vegans Speak On Food, Identity, Health, and Society, the project offers resources, online courses, and seminars to address topics in racism, privilege, healthcare, and food politics.
The relaunch of the website is being led by Bnevol and executed in collaboration with Interns from AReL.

Project In Development
(Follow Us For Updates)
Real-World Projects, Real Impact
Meet the "Champions of Change"
Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus.
Universal Write Publications
Ayo Sekai, Ph.D
Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.
Project Status: Shipped
Nadait Gebremedhen, MD
Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.

Project In Development
(Follow Us For Updates)
Sistah Vegan Project
Dr. Amie Breeze Harper
Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.

Project In Development
(Follow Us For Updates)

Left: Nadait Gebremedhen, MD - Right: Zehn, Baskerville, PMP
"The Work Is Happening — Find Those Leading the Way."
The world around us can often feel overwhelming. The sheer vastness of our challenges can leave us exhausted and jaded. But you don't have to surrender to fatigue if you're feeling weary. Amidst every challenge, you will always find people working tirelessly to make the world better. Their dedication is a beacon of hope. Find them and empower them. Your support amplifies their work and accelerates the change you seek to see in the world. Find them.
Zehn, Baskerville, PMP | Founder of Bnevol
Architect of the “Internship In Action” Program

Left: Nadait Gebremedhen, MD - Right: Zehn, Baskerville, PMP
"The Work Is Happening — Find Those Leading the Way."
The world around us can often feel overwhelming. The sheer vastness of our challenges can leave us exhausted and jaded. But you don't have to surrender to fatigue if you're feeling weary. Amidst every challenge, you will always find people working tirelessly to make the world better. Their dedication is a beacon of hope. Find them and empower them. Your support amplifies their work and accelerates the change you seek to see in the world. Find them.
Zehn, Baskerville, PMP | Founder of Bnevol
Architect of the “Internship In Action” Program
Bridging The "Digital Divide” Program
When Tech Meets Social Good
Bnevol is passionate about creating clear, measurable, and direct impact in the world. Our current focus is using our position to help elevate the greater needs of Africa, with a focus on refugee populations. And we are doing just that. Here's a quick breakdown on what and how we're doing to uphold that commitment.

Building Blocks For Long-Term Learning And Development
Bnevol provides AReL's students with a comprehensive set of technical resources: server resources, dedicated cPanel accounts for each student, and dedicated subdomains. Let's delve into each resource and how it empowers students.
Server Resources
Access to server environments is critical to learning designers and developers. Low-cost shared servers struggle in large-scale settings like AReL’s growing campus in Kakuma. Bnevol’s high-capacity servers provide the scalability and reliability needed to support students and advance AReL’s mission, at no cost to AReL or its students. Additionally, Bnevol maintains the servers and provides ongoing support to students.
cPanel Accounts
cPanel accounts equip students with essential server administration skills, from managing databases, accessing files and directories, controlling FTP access, to modifying DNS settings, and more. With dedicated cPanel accounts, students gain hands-on experience in a key industry tool. Bnevol covers the often costly cPanel licenses, ensuring access without burdening the organization.
Dedicated Subdomains
Managed dedicated subdomains empower students with a unique online presence, practical staging environments for skill application, and a public portfolio to showcase their achievements, enhancing visibility to potential employers.
Software Subscriptions
The cost of industry-grade software that practitioners use to wield and hone their skills often serve as a barrier to those aspiring to enter new fields. Lack of access to the tools means students’ are denied learning before their journeys ever begin. Bnevol sponsors multi-seat software subscriptions across numerous platforms that remove this barrier by sponsoring the cost.
Empowering Futures And Creating Access: The Convergence of Tech and Hope
Reflecting on this partnership and its broader implications, we must recognize that Africa's tech potential remains untapped. Despite the surge in innovations and the rise of formidable African tech leaders, the continent's brilliance often goes unnoticed or underutilized. By creating platforms and opportunities like these, we're uplifting individuals and echoing a message to the world about Africa's boundless potential.

Bridging The "Digital Divide” Program
When Tech Meets Social Good
Bnevol is passionate about creating clear, measurable, and direct impact in the world. Our current focus is using our position to help elevate the greater needs of Africa, with a focus on refugee populations. And we are doing just that. Here's a quick breakdown on what and how we're doing to uphold that commitment.
Building Blocks For Long-Term Learning And Development
Bnevol provides AReL's students with a comprehensive set of technical resources: server resources, dedicated cPanel accounts for each student, and dedicated subdomains. Let's delve into each resource and how it empowers students.
Server Resources
Access to server environments is critical to learning designers and developers. Low-cost shared servers struggle in large-scale settings like AReL’s growing campus in Kakuma. Bnevol’s high-capacity servers provide the scalability and reliability needed to support students and advance AReL’s mission, at no cost to AReL or its students. Additionally, Bnevol maintains the servers and provides ongoing support to students.
cPanel Accounts
cPanel accounts equip students with essential server administration skills, from managing databases, accessing files and directories, controlling FTP access, to modifying DNS settings, and more. With dedicated cPanel accounts, students gain hands-on experience in a key industry tool. Bnevol covers the often costly cPanel licenses, ensuring access without burdening the organization.
Dedicated Subdomains
Managed dedicated subdomains empower students with a unique online presence, practical staging environments for skill application, and a public portfolio to showcase their achievements, enhancing visibility to potential employers.
Software Subscriptions
The cost of industry-grade software that practitioners use to wield and hone their skills often serve as a barrier to those aspiring to enter new fields. Lack of access to the tools means students’ are denied learning before their journeys ever begin. Bnevol sponsors multi-seat software subscriptions across numerous platforms that remove this barrier by sponsoring the cost.
Empowering Futures And Creating Access: The Convergence of Tech and Hope
Reflecting on this partnership and its broader implications, we must recognize that Africa's tech potential remains untapped. Despite the surge in innovations and the rise of formidable African tech leaders, the continent's brilliance often goes unnoticed or underutilized. By creating platforms and opportunities like these, we're uplifting individuals and echoing a message to the world about Africa's boundless potential.